I heard on one of my favourite podcasts today that March is #TryPod month, a month to get people who aren’t listening to podcasts already to try them. I think I still have time to slip a post on this under the wire, this being the last day of March, so here are three podcasts that I listen to regularly and why I like them.
Stuff You Should Know
Stuff You Should Know gets top billing here because they are first rate podcasters. I’ve been listening to this podcast for well over a year and podcasting veterans Josh and Chuck, the co-hosts, are engaging, knowledgeable and just plain fun to listen to. And I learn stuff too! Everything from how the hyperloop will work to what really happened with Lizzie Borden and those axe murders, to how breastfeeding works. (Yes, I even listened to that one even though I actually did breastfeed!) These two guys cover topics all over the sun and do a great job doing it. If you’re a homeschooling parent, you might want to check this podcast out, apparently a lot of home schoolers are regular listeners. One funny thing about these podcasts are Josh and Chuck’s casual banter about related tangents that come up in the show, usually stuff about their favourite movies or bands or people that they know. Someday I hope to catch one of their live shows.
Hidden Brain
I’m pretty new to listening to Hidden Brain but this NPR podcast with host Shankar Vedantam is a real gem. Their website says that “The Hidden Brain helps curious people understand the world – and themselves.” Recent topics that I’ve listened to have been about comedy in the trump era, why it’s literally not wrong to say ‘literally’, and in praise of mess: why disorder may be good for all of us. I like Shankar’s style because he intersperses his own narrative with audio clips from relevant experts that he interviews. Well worth checking out if, like me, you’re a “curious person”. The length of these podcasts particularly are great for listening to on short 25-30 minute car trips around town.
Teaching in Higher Ed
I’m a recent convert to this excellent podcast as well with host Bonni Stachowiak. Bonni is an educator and podcaster with an excellent humour and style who brings experts in faculty development onto her very regular show to interview. Bonni seems like the kind of person I’d love to have a coffee and geek out on talking faculty development with; she really knows her stuff and seems a kindred spirit. She’s not afraid to be vulnerable about the things about teaching that she’s trying or working on, and the sheer volume of ideas that come forward from each show are amazing. Of particular note are all the resources contained in her show notes, including recommendations that she and each guest give about education and anything else that is currently inspiring them. Recent guests include Bryan Alexander talking about Digital Literacy, Jose Bosen from the Teaching Naked books, and Sarah Rose Cavanagh on the Spark of Learning.
All three of these excellent podcasts are available on iTunes and I’m sure other places. If you have a favourite that you’re listening to regularly, I’d love to hear through the comments.