Here’s a little something for the weekend! Just sharing some of the blogs that I return to again and again for beauty and wisdom.

Squirrelly MindsLove this local Victoria woman’s blog about crafting, cooking, fashion and more. The best part is the way she incorporates images into the blog and tags images with snippets of attractive text.

Susannah Conway: At the time that I started wondering just how much of myself to share on my blog, I read Susannah’s post about being honest. I give her credit for unknowingly (as I don’t even know her personally!) helping me create some of the content of my Genuine Blogging workshop. Her photos are fantastic too.

Kelly Rae Roberts: I bow at the feet of Kelly Rae! I took her Flying Lessons e-course in 2011 and not only was it great, it opened my eyes to just how many creative souls are out there who are trying to live their dreams. Kelly is a wonderful example of an artist who became an amazing business women but didn’t sell her soul doing it.

Brené Brown: Brené is the one with the amazing TED talk on vulnerability, which you may have already seen. Her blog just helps this “researcher storyteller” keep her honest wisdom flowing.

Superhero Journal: Andrea Sher’s photographs, words, honesty, authenticity always keep me coming back to her site for more. She hooked me a couple of years ago as one-half of the Mondo Beyondo duo – that great course about dreaming big – and I’ve never looked away since.

Enjoy! I hope these ladies inspire you as much as they have me.



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