I told you a few days ago in my last post about the yoUnlimited conference that I had two more things to share about my Genuine Blogging presentation. One thing literally made me squeal with delight and the other warmed the cockles of my facilitator’s heart.
The first was an exciting comment that someone made to me after my session. Sharon saw my hand-drawn visuals on my PowerPoint slides and mentioned to me that she thought I should get into graphic facilitation – that I clearly “had the knack”. I was so thrilled that she suggested this to me that I literally grabbed her by the shoulders like a crazy person and squealed: “I’M SIGNED UP FOR THE COURSE IN MAY!” It was fantastic.
The second was first a Twitter comment and then an email from my friend Denise Lloyd of Engaged HR. Denise shared with me some “aha” moments about her blogging practice that she had during my session, and actual changes she’s going to make in the way she blogs because of it. High praise for a facilitator…to know that change will occur as a result of something I talked about. Nice!
Denise said I could share with you her comments, so I created the above image to try to encapsulate it. Basically she did a lot of mulling around the whole “one blog or two” thing that came up in the workshop that I posted about the other day. Denise wants to share more of her personality on her business blog, while at the same time knows she has to draw a line somewhere so as not to “overshare”. She also realized that she had been trying to be a bit too “PR” on her blog but that this was actually slowing her down and blocking her when writing blog posts. I really love that realization…that it’s actually not only more engaging to be yourself on your blog but it’s actually going to make things a whole lot faster and easier for you too. You can check out Denise’s blog here to follow her on this journey.
Thanks to Denise and all the other participants in the session that day at yoUnlimited. And don’t forget to mark your calendars for Carolyne Taylor’s next yoUnlimited conference going on October 6, 2012. See you there!