by Beth Cougler Blom | Dec 24, 2021 | Business back end
About this time every year I take some time to look back on the year and reflect on my work. Come along on this journey to get a glimpse of some of the things (I can only mention a few here and there!) I was up to each quarter. January – March The start of 2021...
by Beth Cougler Blom | Dec 22, 2021 | Books
Do you have my book, Design to Engage, and want to learn more, directly from me? Before midnight Pacific time on January 3, 2022, post a photo on Instagram, Facebook and/or LinkedIn of either you holding Design to Engage or the book itself, tag #designtoengage and my...
by Beth Cougler Blom | Dec 12, 2020 | Books, Business back end
It’s now been over a month since I was able to put Design to Engage: How to Create and Facilitate a Great Learning Experience for Any Group into the hands of readers. When I last blogged about the book in September I had been told that it would take a few months...