We are thrilled to share that Beth’s podcast, Facilitating on Purpose, has been voted into the Top 5 Most Listened-To Podcasts featured in SessionLab’s State of Facilitation 2024 report. This report highlights “essential information and expert insights on what is changing in the world of facilitation and workshop design” and we are proud to be a part of it!

Look for Facilitating on Purpose’s mention in the “How do facilitators keep learning?” section, in which the report highlights the Top 5 Most Recommended Facilitation Books, Most Listened-To Podcasts, Most Read Facilitation Newsletters, and Most Consulted Facilitation Websites & Blogs. This part of the report alone is a tremendous resource for our community. If you’re new to facilitation this collection of top resources is an excellent place to start your learning journey, but of course those of us who have been in the field for a while are still benefiting from them as well. In fact, that section (not surprisingly) listed some of our favourite facilitation resources of all time!

If you’re new to the Facilitating on Purpose podcast, we invite you to listen to any of the 30 episodes published so far on facilitatingonpurpose.com (where we also feature transcripts of every episode) or on your favourite podcast app. We also suggest these bundles of episodes that we’ve collected under some broad categories. Enjoy!


Inclusive Facilitation

Facilitating Connection

Facilitating Experiential Learning

Being a Facilitator

The Business of Facilitation

Building Facilitation Skills

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