Designing Effective Slide Decks with Pain BC

Designing Effective Slide Decks with Pain BC

From time to time, our team helps organizations design effective materials for their learning-related events. Recently, we had a wonderful opportunity to work with our client, Pain BC, to redesign the slide decks their volunteer facilitators use in a peer support...
Choosing Activities – Episode 19

Choosing Activities – Episode 19

In this episode, Beth Cougler Blom talks about some of the things we should think about when we design activities into our workshops and courses. Beth explores concepts such as using learning outcomes to guide activity choice, designing authentic activities, offering...
Holding Space

Holding Space

Meg Bolger is a social justice educator, facilitator trainer, and the founder of Facilitator Cards, a set of activity cards used to help design and facilitate group learning. Recently, I (Carla) had the opportunity to participate in a virtual workshop Meg hosted...
Dealing with Self-Doubt – Episode 15

Dealing with Self-Doubt – Episode 15

In this episode, Beth Cougler Blom talks about some of the ways we might experience self-doubt as designers and facilitators of learning and what to do about it. She reveals some of the ways self-doubt has crept up for her and shares some of the things she thinks...

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