What would I tell my 24-year-old self?

I got inspired the other day while reading a friend’s blog post about what advice she would give to her 24-year-old self. It got me thinking about questions I answered to be featured on the UBC Alumni website recently about what I would tell my graduating self...

The Unwritten Rules That Hold You Back

What stops us from doing what we love? Lots of things of course. But one of them is the unwritten rules that we have – consciously or unconsciously – set for ourselves or have inherited from our families or society. Unwritten rules are rules that we feel...

Why We Stay in Jobs We Hate

Thanks so much to everyone who has visited my blog so far and been so positive about the issues I’m bringing forward here. Your feedback helps fuel me in this new venture so keep your comments coming! Today I wanted to talk about why we stay in jobs we hate....

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