BC Cancer has been a client of mine for several years now and last fall I created an e-learning course for them called Orientation to Patient and Family Engagement. At the time we were working on the course we were aware that the organization was also going through a rebranding process and that this year we would have to rebrand the course to match. This summer I was happy to complete that work for them and, with their permission, thought I’d share a little bit about the transformation here.

Making design changes to fit new branding guidelines

I always enjoy creating a course title page and here is what the Orientation’s title page looked like in the original course:

I was happy with it then but I love it even more now that I have redesigned it to match BC Cancer’s new purple and teal colours, fonts and their new name:

I won’t show you other examples of “regular” page transformations because most of the various template pages that I have in the course simply just changed their fonts and colours and not the structure of the items on the page. However I think the switch from the dark blue and charcoal colour scheme to the teal and purple and white really freshened up the look and feel of the course.

Taking the opportunity to improve the course

Needing to rebrand the course so soon after we finished the original version (less than a year) was great in one respect: it allowed us to look back at the feedback that the e-learning course had received so far and see if we could make any other updates to the course while we were taking the time to rebrand it anyway.

Overall, the feedback that had been gathered so far was very positive, but there were a few minor things in the course that some learners said could be improved. The slide below, which presents something called a Public Participation Spectrum, originally featured a pie chart graphic on which learners could click different segments to reveal differing information on the five types of engagement. The feedback told us that some learners were confused by the colour scheming of the pie chart and we realized the colour scheming (which went from white to light purple to dark purple) was making the learners think that the five types of engagement were “levels” of engagement when, in fact, they are not.

In the new rebranded course I replaced the pie chart with a simple dial that the learner can drag around to the different types of engagement on the left, which changes the information on the right for each. There is no obvious beginning or end, so hopefully the five types won’t look like levels this time. (Good learning!)

Overall, rebranding a course does take time but in the interest of continuous improvement it was a great opportunity to look at the effectiveness of the course so far and make it even better. And now BC Cancer has a fresh “new” course to continue to offer to their staff and volunteers about engaging patients effectively within their organization.

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