The other week I pinch-hit for a friend of mine, facilitating a workshop of her repertoire which teaches participants a whole bunch of energizers, icebreakers and games. The workshop is experiential – we don’t just talk about the activities, we do them!

It was a nice chance for me to do something different, facilitate someone else’s material, and also have the opportunity to lead a workshop that wasn’t in a classroom! The group was large at about 37 participants, and it was the perfect time given the warm summer we’ve had to take the group outside for the entire session. We spent two hours under shady trees on the university campus, sharing the space with lawn-lounging students and summer camp kids playing Capture the Flag. I ran the group through about 15 different activities; it was so much fun.

Want to know how to attend something like this yourself? Connect with Jocelin in Victoria to ask about the next Fabulous Facilitation workshop she has scheduled.

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