We love our learning design and facilitation work for clients—and sometimes we get so busy doing the work that we forget to tell the stories of what we’re up to! It’s time to rectify that situation and share a few short examples of some of the projects we’ve been working on in the first quarter of this year.
While we’ve chosen to keep these particular stories anonymous, you can access a general list of many of our current and past clients on this page of our website. (Note: Not all our clients allow us to share their names on this page, but most of them do.)
For each example we’ve shared, we’ve ended with a statement that summarizes the big question the client came to us with at the start of the project. As you read the examples, think about the questions you and your organization might have about courses or meetings you want to create. We might be able to help!
Here are the stories:
Redesigning an online program to train facilitators
Our client, a provincial non-profit organization, asked us to take a virtual course they were offering, which trained facilitators of peer support groups, and redesign it into a blended model program with two modes. We reduced the number of virtual sessions participants would attend (while making each of them more interactive) and redesigned some of the previous presentation-based content into eight e-learning modules that participants will engage with on their own between the virtual sessions. The virtual sessions will be facilitated in Zoom, and the e-learning modules will be offered using Articulate Rise and placed on an external learning management system called TalentLMS, which the client has procured.
This project answered the client question, ‘How do we take a course we are currently offering and redesign it in more than one mode to make it more effective?”
Designing an online course for an international audience
Our international client, based in Switzerland, asked us to design an online course using Articulate Rise to help their 20,000 staff spread across the globe learn basic concepts related to one area of their work. One of the main intentions of the course was to help all staff in all parts of the organization be able to see what they could do in their jobs related to the content and break down myths that the work should only be done by one department.
This project answered the client question, ‘How do we create an introductory level course on a complex topic and make it short, engaging, and relevant to all our staff no matter their role?’
Supporting an entrepreneur to design an online course
Our entrepreneurial client asked us to support them through the design and development of a new e-learning course that will eventually be built on the Thinkific platform. So far, we have guided them through processes to get clear on their intended learner group’s needs and used that information to decide the purpose, outcomes, and scope of the course that would best serve those people. Through this process, we’ve been able to help the client revise their original thinking around the intent and content of the course to create something that will be more relevant for the people they want to attract into the course. Along the way, the client is also keeping track of other ideas for future courses they’d like to create, which is an added bonus!
This project answered the client question, ‘How do we give potential clients a quick and effective online solution to their urgent problem, while also providing them with an inroad to working more deeply with our company?’
Facilitating an all-staff meeting
Our provincial government client asked us to design and facilitate their full-day staff meeting to help them come together as a new team (which had recently been reorganized) and to generate a new mission statement that could both guide the team and reflect, at a high level, the work being done by all their staff. Another big goal for the day was to enable everyone to get to know each other better, particularly after the reorganization and the fact that the team had shifted to performing more work remotely.
This project answered the client question, ‘How do we bring everyone together for a day to learn and make decisions together, as well as strengthen team relationships?’
As we’ve indicated, these are just some of the projects we’ve been working on over these past few months, providing services to help clients find solutions to some of their challenges.
What are the big questions you’re grappling with right now related to helping people learn and gather together? We may be able to help. If you’d like to chat with us about working with us this year, reach out to Beth via the Contact page of our website and schedule a Zoom call to connect.